In my opinion friendship is an important value in our life. Friends should be with us not only when we are happy and we want to share our happiness with them,but also when we think that life hasn't got any sens. Some people don't understand what "friendship" means. They treat another people in the wrong way. They tell us about their deepest secrets and problems wanting to be cheered up; unfortunately, not always does it work in the other direction. If we have problems, does our friend always have time to listen to us very carrefully?People usually don't believe in friendship between woman and man,because they maintain that this directly conducts to LOVE<33..
^^Iza-has got a big sense of humour she solves arguments and finds compromise
^^Patrycja-the most peaceful from our group always is herself and doesn't pretend to be someone different
.........and I just LOVE them for that <33
"A friend in need is a friend indeed.."